Accelerate Website

Accelerate website landing page


I developed a customized WordPress website sample for my client. Accelerate is a marketing agency that offers website design, development, and content strategy. It aims to support small businesses by making their clients visible and reaching their target audiences.



Accelerate requested the development of a website to showcase their services, projects, and blog posts. They needed a versatile platform to add feature projects over time and frequent blog posts easily shared by social media.



Accelerate case study page


The landing page’s design comp was straightforward. For their post pages, since I knew their team members would handle the additional content, I created page templates with advanced custom fields on the WordPress admin with:

  • Project title
  • Service category
  • Client name
  • Overview
  • Link to the live site
  • Images

This page template allows the client’s team members to add content easily and helps them maintain consistency on all posts, giving them a sense of capability and control. 

Powered By EmbedPress


The deliverable is developed locally and uploaded to a customized theme on


The source code is uploaded to GitHub.


The result is a simple landing page autoloaded with newer projects and blog posts. It automatically produces a fresh glance every time you visit.

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